Friday 4 September 2015

Do I look like a Yogi?

So I go to yoga at named studios in my branded yoga clothes with my well known mat and ethical, homemade organic mat bag. I take my well known make of water bottle and take yoga selfies with my commercially known phone. I browse the up to the moment brands of yoga and flick through the yoga magazine full of adverts of recycled leggings. I look at the latest celeb yoga Instagram and follow on Twitter the celeb yoga Gurus, yet I am totally on the yogic path! exaggeration I know but this is my point. I like comfy and loose clothing which feels cosy when practicing yoga- if I feel comfortable then I can relax into my practice- too small too tight but has a tiny logo means I spend the whole time pulling and tugging at my clothes rather than steadying in mountain pose. At home I practice in either my minion or batman men's lounge pants and a vest. Prior to going to a class I spend at least 30 mins matching an outfit looking in the mirror and checking my clothes are right. In class I look on the back of the clothes for the familiar logos, compare my £5 vest to the £45 sports Bra top of the other women. This is all before comparing body shape and the ability to perform advanced asana. As a trainee teacher I'm trying to be mindful of my 'look' to ensure my students don't feel the same pressures and friends don't get bored of yoga legging spam. Reading Teaching Yoga: Exploring the Teacher-Student Relationship
by Donna Farhi I read the chapter "what teachers should wear". laughed at it at first that this was a chapter in a book, surely if you can't work this out maybe YTT isn't the best option for you? However how I dress and present myself to a class sets the mood of the class. I love my regular teacher 
as she wears tiedye leggings- when doesn't tiedye make you feel happy. I'm starting a collection of bright and colourful trousers brand or no brand and using the Mat I feel happiest with not the one with the famous logos. I'm appreciating the instagrammers for their dedication and commitment to their practice to reach advanced poses and still snearing a little at the XL of yoga clothes being anything but XL but I'm happier and I love my guns and roses vest to practice in! 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

YTT new stuff

So YTT starts in a few weeks so I’m getting ready for the next adventure to start. I like to view thinks as moving from one adventure to the next and put everything I do into segments. I have just come through the other side of the adventure now titled ‘the wedding’ and all is a bit calmer. So next adventure needs a title. I’m anxiously reading up on advised texts and ones that weren’t advised in order to appear wise and in the know. I’ve also been practicing more and excusing myself for taking time for this as “its part of the course” why I need to excuse spending time on my practice I don’t know. I have developed strength and more consistency in my practice which has become noticeable when I attend class and don’t wish the clock would speed up. Anyway, I’ve brought new sticky towels and purchased funky yoga pants and debating a nice new holdall for the weekend. All these things to cover up that I’m really anxious about the weekend.

Who will I have to share with?

What if I don’t like the food?

What if they are all better than me?

What if they can do handstand?

What if I injure myself?

What if they want to hug loads?

How to I pee without the people I’m sharing with hearing?

Did I mention I have new funky yoga pants and new sticky towel??????