Sunday 26 October 2014

saying yes to yoga

So it's Sunday and I've got time to reflect on my two days at the om
yoga show, my first as a trainee yoga teacher. Last week I got accepted onto a yoga teacher training course. Still not sure if I'm doing the right thing.
Firstly-it's a lot of money,
Secondly- it's a lot of money
Thirdly- can I teach yoga?
Fourthly- am I ready to tell people- with confidence and not in a jokey, funny, laugh at the irony way- I do yoga and I love it?

Two things this weekend has helped to boost my confidence and help me to say - "I'm going to be a yoga teacher" (and one thing gave it a wobble!)

Friday I did Punk Rock yoga! Now, I am known in my class as the one who tries different class- rooftop yoga, Voga, Bikrim, Iyenga, Kundalini, boxing yoga, doga! Well Friday was punk rock yoga. Comments from my usual fellow yogis was less than enthusiastic however, I went! To be honest the class was based on kundalini which I don't really enjoy. The class was tough and I sweated a lot however I loved the teacher stage diving yogi and his passion and delivery and the ethos of punk rock yoga. I want to specialise in my teaching and want to teach children, teens and adults with a disability. The ethos of Punk Rock Yoga would blend brilliantly with this specialism. Shaking kundalini style to Slayer was awesome and made me feel great. Music is very passionate for me and music can change my mood and my intentions dramatically. This idea could be harnessed brilliantly withing special yoga. Thinking already what we can do to the "happy" song! The following morning my own daughter who struggles with anxiety and social difficulties woke very anxious about her day at the yoga show- shaking to "All I want for Christmas is you" at 07:30 got us both ready for the day ahead.  Also punk rock yoga is about bringing yoga back to everyone. Yoga' as experienced at the weekend can be very elitist (back to my confidence wobble- lady on a legging stand took leggings out of my hand saying these are for slim yogis try these ones!*smile and walk away slowly*)Anyway back to punk rock yoga'   That's who I want to teach -everyone- Especially those that don't know who lululemon are or what raw caco is or have yet to learn that savasana is an actual yoga pose! I hope I have got the ethos from punk rock yoga right- well that's what I got from the class and I brought the book and started a yoga playlist of my music! Ska yoga anyone?

Second day I went with my daughter and my teacher and her daughter. Claire at yogabright gave me so much confidence. At times introducing me to people saying I was doing the training and pointing out bits and pieces I should buy (and avoid!). Claire has been so positive about my training and has never once said "really" or "ok" in that tone you know means "I feel awkward about saying you- yoga- what". My biggest hurdle on this path is my own negative image of myself as a yoga teacher- I need to be confident to tell people "yes I do yoga, yes I love it yes I feel I can offer yoga to others". If my very talented teacher who I trust and follow says so, why shouldn't I trust her. I trust her when my feet are in the air and nose hovering dangerously from the ground so why not about how good I could be as a teacher?

That was my weekend, yoga yoga yoga and yes I loved it and yes I want to be a yoga teacher- all be it listening to slayer and madness.

Photo of the weekend of my very talented daughter saying yes to Ariel yoga!